Thursday, December 20, 2012

Santa Claus Comes to Town!

Our Thursday morning started out on a different foot than normal. Since we moved the desks and chairs to fit all 50 kindergarteners into my classroom on Wednesday, I decided to keep it that way for Thursday. Yup! We all sat on the floor today to complete the rest of our North Pole activities. The students had a blast! We all got clip boards and found a spot that we were most comfortable. 

Here is a picture of how the day started:

And here is what the classroom looked like after the students left for lunch. We sure did have fun today!

The best part of the day was our surprise visitor that came to see us...SANTA! I happen to have connections to the North Pole, and Santa was kind enough to come and make a quick stop by our school to visit Kinder and First Grade. He didn’t stay long--after all, it is the busiest time of year for him--but we did get to talk with him and ask him questions as well as hear a story.

Polar Express

All aboard the Polar Express!

We had the best time on Wednesday! Not only did we wear our pajamas to school (yes, even the teachers), but we also got to go to the north pole on the Polar Express! 

In the afternoon, all of kindergarten piled into my classroom to watch the Polar Express. We pushed back all the tables and chairs to make room! We kicked off our shoes, sprawled out, and simply enjoyed ourselves. See for yourself!

We took a break in the middle of our movie to enjoy a cup of hot coco and some cookies! Yum, yum!

Christmas Around the World

For the past two weeks we have been celebrating Christmas around the world in our classroom. Every day we would get on our plane and fly to a new country to learn about a new holiday celebration. 

Don’t forget! When you go on a trip to a foreign country you need to bring along your passport, plane ticket, and suitcase!

Our first stop was Israel to learn about the holiday traditions for Hanukkah. Our favorite part was getting into small groups and playing a game of dreidel! 

Our next stop was Africa to learn about the holiday traditions for Kwanzaa. 

                                        (no pictures at this time)

Our third stop was Mexico to learn about the holiday traditions for Feliz Navidad. Here we are making our own poinsettias!

After Mexico we took a flight to India to learn about the holiday traditions for Diwali. Diwali is known as the "festival of lights" so we are decorating our own 'candles' for celebrating. 

Our final stop was to the North Pole. In order to get to the North Pole we couldn’t fly there, so we had to take the Polar Express! I have posted all the pictures and activities for this day under the Polar Express post

We had a blast traveling around the world to celebrate the different holidays and traditions.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Our Last Week Before Winter Break...


Some things to remember this week:

·       There are no spelling words! Spelling will continue once we return from break.


·       Wednesday is Polar Express day! Students are allowed (and encouraged) to wear his/her pajamas to school to help celebrate this special occasion! We will be drinking hot coco and eating cookies while enjoying the movie during the afternoon. Students are also welcome to bring blankets and a small pillow, but please no toys!


·       Friday is our Grinch Day! We ask that all students come in his/her green field trip shirts to make our last day a day full of green and fun!

Monday, December 17, 2012

Fort Worth Science Museum

Thank you to all of our wonderful parent chaperones! This field trip could not have happened without you! I know the students had a blast and loved every moment of the museum. They would not stop talking about their trip on Friday! Here are some photos from our fun time at the museum:

Even the teachers got to play a little…..

Monday, December 3, 2012

Field Trip #2 Reminder

Field Trip to the Fort Worth Science Museum

All money and forms are due by tomorrow! Please send in cash only to pay for the field trip.

Also, we need parent volunteers! If you are able to help out, please let me know ASAP! We could really use your help!


Ms. Farrer

Thursday, November 29, 2012

A Few Reminders!!

Here are a few reminders about some important upcoming events:

1)      Spelling words have started. Each week your child will have five new spelling words to practice and learn. On Friday we will have a test over these five words. Tomorrow (11-30) is our first spelling test! *Please see side “Spelling” tab for more information.


2)      Field Trip money and permission slips (please remember to fill out BOTH sides) are due by December 4th. It costs $8 for students to go and $10 for adults. If you are able, I would love for you to come along as a chaperone!

We are thankful for our Moms and Dads!

Each student wrote a letter to his/her parents explaining why they are thankful for them. Then they made turkeys by tracing their foot for the body and their hands for the feathers.


Election Week

All week we talked about voting. We made a voting box, voter registration cards, and ballots for everything we wanted to vote on.

We started off our Election Week voting on who we thought the next President will be. Here are our results:
For the rest of the week we read Duck for President, Grace for President, and My Teacher for President. At the end of the week each student picked their favorite candidate for president (Duck, Grace, or Ms. Farrer) and made a campaign poster for them to win.
On Friday we voted and here are the results:
I am honored my students want me as President, but I already have the best job in the world as their kindergarten teacher! 



50's Day

We had a blast celebrating our 50th day of school. Here are some pictures of what went on during the day:

Our students got to dress up like they were students in the 50’s.

In small groups, we worked together to put some new 50’s words into ABC order.

We compared what students did in the 50’s to what we do as students today. Then we wrote a comparative sentence and made 50’s boys and girls to match!
At the end of the day, we got to go outside and eat pizza and a root beer float!