Class Handbook

All About
Hello Parents and Welcome to Kindergarten!

I am very excited to be your child’s Kindergarten teacher! There are a lot of great things planned to make this a wonderful year together.  I have prepared “All About Kindergarten 2013-2014” to serve you as a guideline and resource throughout the school year.  Understanding the procedures and knowing what is expected will help your child feel comfortable and be successful. I want to let you know that I am here for you and your child. If you have any questions or concerns feel free to email me at any time.  
Jeannette Farrer



All Kindergarten students must be dropped off directly in the back by the portable classrooms. No parents are allowed to walk up the ramp and into the classroom without signing into the front office first to receive a visitor’s badge. In order to keep your child safe, we ask that you respect this rule. Also, for the safety of your child, please do not allow your child to get out of your car on their own. During arrival time (7:30-8:00) teachers will be outside to assist your child out of the car and to their classrooms. We ask that you stay in the car so that traffic can keep moving. If there are no teachers present outside that means: it is after 8:05, school has started, and your child is tardy. You must take your child to the front office and sign them in so they can receive a tardy pass and get walked to class.


Kindergarten students will be outside in the back waiting for their parents to pick them up at 3:00 P.M.  You must have your child’s car green nameplate in the front windshield of your car in order for us to release them to you. No car nameplate = no child. You will be asked to park, go inside to the front office, receive another car nameplate, and drive back around in order to get your child. This rule is going to be enforced year round. If a child is not picked up by 3:15, they will be taken to our late pick-up room. An adult must come inside and sign their child out at the front office before the child will be released. Students will only be released to the people you have designated.

It is very important for your child to be in attendance every day possible.  We learn new things every day, so it may be difficult for your child to catch up if they are frequently absent.  However, if your child has a fever, vomiting, or is contagious please do not send them to school.  They must be fever free for 24 hours (without the help of medication) before returning to school. If you must keep him/her out of school for the day for any reason, send a note or email prior to the absence if possible.  If you do not know in advance, you may call the school office the day of the absence to report it.  When the student returns to school he/she must bring a note from a doctor or parent. 


The children will eat their lunches in the cafeteria at 11:30 A.M.  All students will sit at designated tables with their grade level and must stay in their seats. 

Your child may choose to purchase his/her lunch or bring one from home.  Students are not allowed to bring anything that needs to be heated up. Please remember to send your child with a healthy lunch to help their mind grow! You may pay for your child’s lunch at the office or online only. You are not to send the lunch money in his/her take home folder.  A monthly menu of lunches will be available online.  You are welcome to visit your child during lunch once a month, but don’t forget to sign in at the office! 

Each day, it will be a different child’s turn to bring a snack to share with the class.  This means you will be asked to send snack about once a month. I will send home at the beginning of each month a schedule of what day students are to bring snack. Due to allergies I ask that you do not send in anything containing nuts. Please read the labels carefully to see if the item contains nuts or was made in a factory near nuts. You must send in only healthy snacks. Some things that make great snacks are: Goldfish, crackers, dry cereal, animal crackers, granola bars, veggies (pre-cut), fruit (pre-cut), anything that is individually wrapped, or any other healthy snack your child enjoys. Some things that ARE NOT good snack choices are: cookies, chips, candy, gummies, etc.

Home/School Communication:


The most effective way to contact me is by email.  I check my email throughout the day, but please allow at least 24 hours for a response.

Daily Folders:

Your child will take his/her “Take Home Folder” to and from school every day.  In it you will find notes from school, homework, completed work, and a daily behavior calendar.  If you would like to send a note from home, doctor’s excuse, completed forms, box tops for education, money (other than for lunches), or anything else it must be placed in your child’s folder.  Please check these folders daily.  Read, complete, and return appropriate papers in this folder.

Money should be in a sealed envelope or Ziploc bag that is clearly labeled with students name, amount, and reason for payment.

Ex:       Sally Smith     $9         field trip 

Wednesday Mail:

Wednesday mail will be sent out every Wednesday.  It may include school newsletters, notes from the principals, and various other pieces of school wide information. Please make sure you are keeping updated on school events. Wednesday mail is also available on our school website



Beginning in September, students will receive monthly homework calendars. These calendars (along with the corresponding work packet) are secured in the middle of their “Take Home Folders.”  Each day (Monday-Thursday) will have one or two assignments for the students to complete. Some assignments are written while others are activities for your child to do orally or with materials at home. All written assignments have a page in the packet where your child will complete the work. Please help your child complete the work each night and return the folder every day.
Additionally, students should read or listen to an adult read at least one book every day. Please write down the books that you read with your child on the monthly book list and return these on the last school day of every month.

Please plan to spend 15-20 minutes each night doing homework with your child.  In order to complete the homework, your child will need these materials at home: glue, scissors, pencils, crayons, books, and paper (any kind).

Accelerated Reader:
Kindergarteners WILL NOT be considered for Accelerated Reader until after the first semester. Students need time to build up accuracy and comprehension. After first semester, parents and teachers will decided if the students are ready to start Accelerated Reader.


Conferences will be scheduled two times during the year.  On these days, the students will be dismissed at 12:40 and ten minute conferences will be scheduled between 1:30 and 4:30 for any parent who wishes to discuss their child’s progress.  Appointments will be scheduled prior to parent/teacher conference days, and you will be notified when it is time to do so.  If you wish to schedule a conference at any other time during the year, please send me an email or a note describing the reason you would like to meet with me, and I will be happy to arrange a time to meet with you. 

Class Website:           

We have a class blog that I will share what we are doing in class, photos, important information about upcoming events, and links to helpful information. Please check the blog regularly so you can stay updated on what is happening in your child’s classroom. There are also great websites for you to use at home with your child, along with recommended books. The link to my blog is:


I feel that it is very important for parents to be involved in the discipline procedure.  Your child needs to know that you and I work together as a team to help them make good choices.  In addition to the campus discipline plan, found in your student handbook, our class has its own rules and consequences that the students have helped me create. 

The five basic rules are: Follow directions quickly. Raise your hand to speak. Raise your hand to get up. Make smart choices. Keep your dear teacher happy.

Our behavior system reflects both positive and negative choices. Every day students start on green. Students are able to move up and down the chart depending on their behavior (up=positive choices, down=negative choices).

For every day the student has an outstanding day, they will receive a sticker on their clip. For every five stickers the student will get to change their clip color. Colors will go in ROYGBIV order and end with a glitter clip. The glitter clip is the ultimate goal for students to receive by the end of the year.


Amazing Day
Great Day
Good Day
Think About It
Think Time
Teacher’s Choice
Parent Contact


Your child’s behavior calendar located in their home folders will be updated daily to reflect his/her behavior.


Students are not allowed to bring toys, silly bands, Chap Stick, extra jewelry, hair accessories that are not being worn, or any other item that may cause a distraction to your child’s learning. If these things do find their way to school it will be at the owner’s risk. 



Other Important Information

Dressing for School: 

As you know, at Harmony schools, students are required to wear a uniform.  For Kindergarteners this means the red uniform shirt with khaki or navy blue pants or shorts only.   Shorts must be no shorter than three inches above the knee.  Please, use your discretion when selecting clothes for your child.  No DRESSES, SKORTS, or SKIRTS are allowed. Students are to wear school uniform shirts only and are not allowed to replace the shirt with a plain red shirt. Kindergarteners do not need to wear a belt. Make sure your child can button the pants they are wearing on their own.

In cold weather, please dress your child accordingly.  We will go outside to play on days that the temperature is at least 40 degrees.  The children will need to be wearing winter coats.

Students must wear socks and his/her shoes must have a closed toe and heal.  Shoes with rubber soles are preferable.

Fridays are not free dress days.  On Fridays, they may wear a Harmony Spirit shirt and plain blue jeans.

Students who are not dressed according to the HSI dress code will call home to ask someone to bring clothes that meet the dress code requirements.  

Free dress days are awarded for special circumstances such as a parent’s attendance at a school event, good behavior, or good grades at the end of the six weeks.  Parents and students will be made aware of opportunities to earn free dress days. On these days students are to wear a school appropriate free shirt and uniform pants.

We find it important for children to become responsible for themselves. Teachers WILL NOT button or zipper pants, tie shoes, or put a belt on. Please teach your child these skills at home and have them dress accordingly until they are able to do so. (Elastic pants and Velcro shoes are a great option until they are capable!)


The school nurse will administer all medications.  Please contact the nurse if your child is to be given any medicine during school hours.   If your child has asthma, you may want to consider leaving a spare inhaler with the nurse.  Do not send medicine to school in your child’s backpack.  It goes directly to the nurse. This includes cough drops.


Please, notify me if your child has any food or other allergies.  We will share snacks and use food for activities.  If I am aware of your child’s allergies, I will be able to keep allergens out of the classroom.


Please, be sure I have a working phone number where you can be reached at all times.  If any of your contact information changes, let me know immediately.  If you plan to be away for a day or a week, please give me the phone number of someone I can call in case of an emergency.     


Though we want you to feel welcome, an atmosphere that is conducive to learning must be maintained.  If you need to visit our classroom for any reason, please let me know when to expect you and the reason you will be visiting.  A form must be completed 24 hours in advance notifying the school (more information can be found in the student handbook).  When parents arrive unexpectedly, the visit becomes a disruption to the entire class and, in some cases, violates the privacy of other students. 

Please remember all visitors are required to check in at the office upon arrival.  If you have notified me in advance, I will let the office know I am expecting you.  Otherwise, you will be asked to wait.  If you are bringing an item that your child has forgotten, you may leave it at the front office to avoid taking your child out of class. If I do not see you wearing a visitor’s badge, I will not open the classroom door for you for any reason.



Children may celebrate their birthdays in school.  Your child will be designated to bring snack for the class on their birthday. A special treat may be sent to be shared at the end of our day. It is important to remember that you will still be asked to bring in a healthy snack for our morning snack time. If you choose to do a sweet (aka cupcakes) you may either send it with your child or leave it in the office and I will pick it up. Please send in the normal morning snack with your child in the A.M. Parents will not be allowed to come back to the classroom to celebrate since this causes a disruption to the class routine. Please, do not send cake that needs to be sliced.

*Example: Johnny needs to bring in pretzels in the morning, and if he wants to, cupcakes in the afternoon.

Birthday party invitations may be passed out only if: the entire class is invited, all the girls are invited, or all the boys are invited.

Classroom Parties:

We will have “parties” to celebrate Fall, Winter Holidays, and Valentine’s Day.  These will last less than an hour and will consist of an activity, a snack and, free time to visit with friends. 

Field Trips:

All parents are welcome to join us on field trips. However, if there are more than 14 chaperones, you may be asked to follow the bus in your own vehicle.  Students must ride the bus to and from all field trips.

Notes are required for the following reasons:


Early dismissal for doctor appointments

                        Different person picking student up from school

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