How can I contact Ms. Farrer?

The best way is to e-mail me! I check my e-mail frequently during the day. I usually respond quickly, but please allow up to 48 hours for a response. It all depends on how busy we are in Kindergarten!

Another option is to send in a note with your child. Starting on the first day of school I let my students know that I have a special bin for teacher notes. They will go through their take-home folders every morning and take out anything that needs to be turned-in or given to me. If you do send in an important note, please make sure your child is aware of this. I remind them every morning, but it always helps if they know in advance what they are looking for to turn in! 

You can also call the school and leave me a voicemail. Unfortunately, I will not be able to return any calls until after 3:30 P.M. 

Email:   jfarrer@harmony tx.org
Phone: (469) 892-5556

What do I do if my child is going to be absent? 

Please check the student handbook regarding school policies on regulated number of absences. 

If it is an unplanned absence, please notify the front office the morning of at (469) 892-5556. If it is a planned absence, please let me know as soon as possible. 

When your student returns they must bring in a note from a doctor or a parent. 

What are good snacks to bring?

We try to promote healthy snacks only! Here is a list of some delicious snacks that seem to be favorites among the students:

  • Cheese-Its
  • Goldfish
  • Chex Mix
  • String Cheese
  • Pretzles
  • Animal Crackers
  • Fruit (cut-up or prepackaged) 
  • Veggies
  • Fruit Snacks
  • Crackers
  • Granola Bars
     Or any favorite snack that your child enjoys!

Can my child celebrate their birthday in class?

Yes! If you would like to send in a special treat on your child’s birthday that is more than welcome! You can send in the snack with your child or drop it off in the front office. We will serve the special snack after 2:00 P.M. Please have the treat to the school before then so we make sure there is enough time to celebrate, eat, and pack up before the day is done. 


Please, Please, Please! If you want to bring in a cake, make sure that it is already pre-cut. I recommend that you only send in cupcakes. They are the easiest to serve in class. We do not have the means to cut up a sheet cake in class or extra plates for the students to use. 

What are home visits and do I have to have one?

No, home visits are not required but they are an option for those that would like one. Home visits are when the kindergarten teachers take time after school to visit our students and their families in their home. We stay for 10-15 minutes and are there to answer any questions you might have and to talk about what is happening in our classrooms. The students really enjoy seeing their teacher outside of school. Many like to show off their rooms, where they play after school, favorite toys, etc. Again, it is another way Harmony creates a bridge between home life and school. 

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