Monday, August 26, 2013

Good Monday Morning!

Good Monday Morning Everyone!

We had a wonderful first three days of school. I enjoyed having everyone in class and getting to know each student a little bit better. We have learned a lot during our first three days in Kindergarten. We focused on our class rules, making friends, how to walk in a line with a monkey face on, and simple classroom procedures.

There are a couple of important reminders! I have previously sent home notes in your child’s folder last week, but just in case they got lost, or you forgot, here they are:

·        Water Bottles!

o   We are asking every student to bring in a water bottle. It is hot outside and we do not have water fountains in the classroom so PLEASE make sure your student has water to drink every day. Leaks are an issue we have already endured, so please check to make sure the water bottle is leak free.  Juice will not be permitted in the classroom, so make sure you just send in water!

·        Composition Notebooks!

o   EVERY STUDENT will need 3 composition notebooks this year. These came in the pre-ordered supply packs bought through the school, but somehow got left off the online list for parents to purchase on their own. We are using one for Writing, one for Math, and one for Science interactive journals this year.  So we need three per student. I was just at Target yesterday and they have the simple black ones for $0.50 each. I also know you can find them at Wal-Mart and the Dollar store. **Please do not purchase spiral notebooks! The spirals tangle and create a mess!**

·        Extra Clothes!

o   In kindergarten we are always moving, always learning, and always having fun. Please send in an appropriate change of clothes for me to keep at school at all times in case your child has an accident. Since I will be keeping these clothes in the classroom, they do not have to be the school uniform; however they do need to be school appropriate (no short shorts, tank tops, skirts, etc.).
Thanks for your help! I know we are in for a wonderful year together!

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