Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Welcome Back

I am so excited to start the second semester! I have had a wonderful winter break, full of relaxation and rest. I am ready to jump back in, and there are many exciting things coming our way! To start, there are some changes in our Specials Schedule. Kindergarten now has specials EVERYDAY first period. Starting at 8:00 A.M. we will be walking our class into the main building for the students daily specials. Please do not be late. Also, the following information was sent home in a letter in your child's new take home folder:

  • Starting January 13th we will be starting weekly spelling tests. Your child will receive a list of 5 words ever Monday and the tests will be given on the following Friday. Be sure to complete the additional homework as well as study, study, study!

  • Starting January 13th everyone will be given a writing journal to take home to complete nightly writing prompts. At the beginning of every month your child will receive a calendar of writing prompts to be completed every night. Every Friday they will turn their journals into the teacher so we can provide feedback/positive encouragement on their progress.

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