Saturday, February 23, 2013

Wild Weather Unit

First we started out Wild Weather Unit by learning all about clouds. Our first project was to make a cloud flip book.


We then went outside one afternoon to cloud gaze. We were looking at all the different shapes the clouds could be in the sky. Once we found our inspiration, we came back inside to make and write about our cloud shape.


After we learned about clouds, we started on the water cycle. Below are pictures of our science experiments that we did in class to help us better understand the water cycle!

The last thing we talked about was the wind. We made our own wind socks and went outside to see what the wind would do to our project! 


Thursday, February 7, 2013

Perot Science Museum

Today we went to the new Perot Science Museum in Dallas. It was such a fun experience! Our students had a blast. Everything was fun and interactive. Check out some of the fun things we did:




Monday, February 4, 2013

100th Day of School!

It is time to celebrate! We have officially completed the 100th day of school!

We started the day off by showing each other our 100th day projects. 

Some of us decided to make a poster:

While others decided to make a t-shirt:

And others decided to make a necklace:

We then got in two large groups.

Group One got to cut and glue down 100 pizza toppings!

Group Two got to cut and glue down 100 gum balls! 

Here we are with our partners counting to 100 by tens on ice-cream scoops! 

For our snack, we got to pick 10 pieces from 10 different items to make a 100 day snack! This was the best snack yet! Thank you to those that volunteered to bring snack. It was so much fun (and delicious)!